Approximately Nine Problems 1. Vector Addition/Subtraction 2. Units dealing with force 3. Tensions/weight/ropes 4. Object moving/friction 5. Forces and connected objects 6. Terminal Velocity 7. …
Test #1 Solutions
Here are the solutions to the first test. I went over the cannon problem in class, but it's here again. Learn how to do that, we'll have a similar problem on the bonus quiz on Tuesday. …
Physics 2A – First Test will be on Tuesday September 13
After some discussion, I decided to try breaking down the tests into smaller amounts of material. The tests will be more frequent but cover less. Test #1 will be on Tuesday September 13 at the …
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Physics 2A Homework Assignment #2
Chapter 2: Problems 2, 6, 11, 12, 19, 25, 27, 30, 34, 35, 38, 43, 53 Chapter two includes motion on a ramp - situations with skiiers, etc. Projectile motion And begins to get into circular …