When something is observed it is always observed from some vantage point. If two people are running next to each other it will not seem as if the other is moving, since their relative motion is the …
Car velocity physics – physics velocity
A physics professor drives along in his camry on the highway and covers about 88 feet per second or a velocity of 100 km/h when he observes a mitsubishi GT 3000 that races out onto the freeway. This …
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Sound Level Terminology
Absorption Coefficient- Denoted by alpha (units of inverse meters) and "a" (dB/m). This constant measures the sound-absorbing ability of a material. The values go from about 0.01 for marble slate to …
Magnetic Levitation Video
Absolute Zero
Absolute Zero also known as 0 degrees Kelvin or -273.15 degrees Celsius describes the theoretical temperature at which particles have zero thermal energy- meaning that velocity of the particles goes …