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You agree that we may use personally identifiable information about you to in the effort to help you and other saxophone players, to analyze site usage, improve our content, and customize our content and layout. This will make the site better and meet your needs better too.
You agree that we may use your information to contact you and deliver information. By accepting this User Agreement and Privacy Policy, you expressly agree to receive this information. If you do not wish to receive these communications, we encourage you not to join our mailing list.
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Your information will not be shared, rented, or sold. Because of the legal environment, however, we cannot completely ensure that all of your private communications and other personally identifiable information will never be disclosed in ways not otherwise described in this Privacy Policy. By way of example (nonlimiting), we may be forced to disclose information to the government, or third parties (hackers) may illegally intercept or access information. Therefore, although we will best protect your privacy, you are submitting information online.
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