Morpheus, after running the “Instant Kesten Program,” approaches his student Neo with two pills, a red one and a blue one.
He states that if he swallows the blue pill he will forget what has happened and return to his life, but if Neo swallows the red pill then THE TRUTH will split into multiple dimensions.
Neo swallows the red pill and suddenly the world becomes a bit more complicated, THE TRUTH breaks apart into
The red pill makes him understand that horizontal movement has no acceleration due to gravity (and generally in simpler problems), but that vertical motion is affected by gravity.
Neo realizes that two dimensions, x and y, can also be combined into the formula
y – y0=(x-x0)tan(θ) – [g(x-x0)2]/[2v02cos2(θ)] when the acceleration present is gravity.
Morpheus tells him as well that multidimensional physics necessitates proper labeling of variables like time in order to be accurate.
Neo says “whoa.”
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